Time: 00:30, Location: Home Kitchen. Date: 27 aug 2010. Day: Friday(Thank God Its Friday)
Reasons: We ate hotdogs in the middle of the night. The situation is so boring. Suddenly,tak tau knp kami berdua gelak. And then we stopped. And then we laugh again. About 15 minutes we did the same thing. I drank apple juice,Fatin drank sirap. We were making soo much noise till Kak win shouted " Gek tidurr tin, nah..tutup lampu nehh.." and we were like, "chill lah kak win, malam masih muda." chee.. And we look at each other face, then we laugh again, This time even harder we laugh. Seriously, Tk tau knp. Sampai menangis ha,gelak. Then, Fatin told me some stories. I cant remember whats the story about, HA-HA. Then, We laugh again. About a few minutes after that, we stopped.This time no more laughing. Than we switch off the lights and everything. And we went into our room. THE END.
P/S: this is long story shorted.