He arrived at the VMA"S.

He got out of the car. Thousands of girls chased him. OMG! How wild was that.

The biggest performance that i've been waiting for. That was AWESOME!

Kenny always by his side. Awwhh!

He's soo-cool! He knew that. HA-HA.

At the white carpet with Usher. Looking good Bieber. Not bad for u too,Usher. :)

Backstage with some of the MALE Beliebers.Ha-Ha. JB looking good with those weird face. He's 16, dont bother with that awkward face. It's cool!

Justin bieber won the BEST NEW ARTIST for this year. He also tweeted to all his fans by saying "Biggest THANK U in the WORLD to the Greatest Fans in the World!! We Did It 2Gether and We are Just getting Started!!! I LOVE U!! Thank U!!".
*Thanx for reading my blog guys. LOVE