Menurut pandangan Amanna Rezal, lelaki ni ade bnyk jenis. Ade yg ego die telebih,ade yg terkurang.Nk tahu lebih lanjut, ikuti cerita ini.....
....Boys can't easily describe.There are boys who love to treat women with respect.Which is good.But the way they treated them,can be missed understood by the girls. Girls can easily-uhhh..what we call that, ha!cair or they might thought that the boy felt something special for her.Biaselah tuu..So, girls also should beware of boys like that.U might get hurt.Senang cerita,jgn senang tersuka atau lebih jiwang,terjatuh hati dkt someone..(eee..)
Lagi satu,boys should not treat girls melebih-lebih.I mean like, u barely know her.U know nothing about her,And u want something serious between u and her.Slow down,dude! U dont know whether she likes u or not.So dont rush rush ehh.Get to know her first,then u can jiwang-jiwang.IF the girl let u to do-so.kalau tk,tk pyah la.kawan mcm biase sudah.
To me,I hate boys who wants to know ape yg I tgh buat 24/7.EE!rimas.Mind ur own life la dude.Sikit2 text,"hye,tgh buat ape?"..at least tk pyh la slalu sgt bertanyakan bnde yg same.Boleh text,serious boleh..tp jgn lah smpai 24/7. Ehh? :)
Kesimpulannye..er,tkde kesimpulan kot.Entah laa,hehe. Whatever it is,boys dont treat girls over sgt,and girls dont easily fall for boys that u barely known.
*p/s: Ini hnye pandangan drpd Amanna Rezal sahaja. Don't get it wrong. Ok,byebye BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME! :)