That should be me by JustinBieber.hehe..Ohh, One thing u have to know about this video is, at the end of this vid u will experience a very freakin annoying noise.Just FYI, that noise came from org sbelah punya rumah yg dah bertahun renovate tp tk siap siap lagi. Lama gila, ade la dalam setahun I hidup dalam suasana bising mcm ni. Tp nk buat mcm mne dah rumah dia. But the very sad thing is, my room is directly propotional(mcm fizik pulak da,lol) to the construction yg sedang dijalankan. I saba je. haha, ok anyways...ENJOY! Sorry eh kalau tk sedap or the freakin annoying noise bother you. hehe, Ok, tekan lah PLAY. :)