Ape ni? nk tau? tk pyah laa.hmm,nk jugak?ok. Sebenanye kalau nk tau yg bnde hijau ade senyuman nmpk gigi tu hasil kerja Amanna Rezal.At that time, I was so bored
(ni dkt skola.dlm kelas.Kedudukan : sebelah alya gedik.depan aini dan fira.)Guru bahasa melayu sedang sibuk mengajar di depan,Amanna Rezal sedang sibuk membuat karya seninye tersenidri di belakang. I didn't mean to ignore my BM teacher,but I cant stop my hands from doing something else - something more fun compared to paying attention to my BM teacher.I know,its rude what I did. Sorry,Pn.A. So what I did,I drew a huge smile on a green paper to represent how happy I am doing some art.And the result,tk lah seberape.
"I know you are just faking ur smile", its actually dedicated to no-one. Saje je tulis. hehe. ok,lah. Tu je sebenanye nk cerita.tak best pon kan?sorry la kalo tk best.Just wanna share my story to u guys.Terima kasih bnyk2 bace. Selalu-selalu lah bukak blog ni, for new not-so-important stories. Seriously, read my blog more often. Ok? :D